Welcome to the first post of my Celtics blog! I know what you're thinking. Aren't you a Red Sox fan? And, you'd be right. But, just because I'm a Sox fan first and foremost, am I supposed to ignore the other sports in town? Certainly not. Might I sometimes have things to say about those sports? Of course I might. Isn't it a great idea to have a place for other Celtics fans to see what I have to say about their favorite team without Red Sox stuff getting in the way? Isn't it just as great to not force Red Sox fans to read my thoughts on the Celtics? Again, yes...and yes! So, I created this little corner of the internet to do just that. How often will I post? Oh, I don't know. Less often than I do on Section 36. But, hopefully enough to keep you interested. It's definitely a work in progress. We'll see how many great features from Section 36 I bring over here. I could certainly see "pictures" being a lot of fun in green. I'm excited about having a place to talk about some of the great Celtics books I've read. Who knows...maybe I can even get a "visitor" or two to stop by. This should be fun. Stay tuned.
Until then, check out some posts I wrote on Section 36 that talk about the Celtics as well. Enjoy!
In "It's Easy to be Green" I wonder why a Boston sports fan would wear anything other than a Celtics jersey on St. Patrick's Day.
Just recently in "Kevin Durant and Curt Schilling" I explored the difference between Schilling signing with the Sox, and durant not signing with the Celtics.
I also reviewed the book "Wicked Good Year" by Steve Buckley, which focused on the incredible 2007-2008 stretch in Boston Sports.
The plan is for me to be adding lots more great content just like that, but right here on this blog. This is where it will be all Celtics, all the time.
I hope you'll be back!
Ready For My Fantasy?
Fantasy Baseball team, I mean. Yup. It’s time for your least favorite post
of the year. The one where I discuss the fantasy team I drafted for this